Data structures

Data structures


data structures functions

  • cell - Create cell array of empty matrices.

  • cell2mat - Transform a cell array containing matrices into a single, concatenated matrix.

  • cell2struct - Creates a struct from a cell.

  • celldisp - Display cell array contents.

  • cellfun - Evaluates an function on a cell.

  • cellstr - Converts to cell of character array.

  • fieldnames - Returns field names of a structure or an handle.

  • getfield - Returns value of a field in a struct.

  • iscellstr - Returns if a variable is a cell of strings.

  • isfield - Checks if a fieldname exists in a struct.

  • namedargs2cell - Converts a struct containing name-value pairs to a cell.

  • num2cell - Convert array to cell array with consistently sized cells.

  • orderfields - Reorganize the fields of a structured array.

  • rmfield - Remove fields from structure.

  • setfield - Set structure field contents.

  • struct - Creates a struct.

  • struct2cell - Creates a cell from a structure.

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