Generates a makefile for building a dynamic library.
[res, message] = dlgeneratemake(destinationdir, libname, c_cpp_files, include)
[res, message] = dlgeneratemake(destinationdir, libname, c_cpp_files, includes, defines, external_libraries, build_configuration, c_flags, cxx_flags)
[res, message] = dlgeneratemake(maketype, destinationdir, libname, c_cpp_files, include)
[res, message] = dlgeneratemake(maketype, destinationdir, libname, c_cpp_files, includes, defines, external_libraries, build_configuration, c_flags, cxx_flags)
Input argument
maketype - a string: 'executable' or 'dynamic_library'.
destinationdir - a string: destination directory where is generated the makefile.
libname - a string: destination dynamic library or executable name.
c_cpp_files - a string or a cell of strings: .c or .cpp list files (full filename)
include - a string or a cell of strings: directories where to find include files.
defines - a string or a cell of strings: a list of defines
external_libraries - a string or a cell of strings: a list of external libraries to link
build_configuration - a string: 'Debug' or 'Release'
c_flags - a string: C flags
cxx_flags - a string: C flags
Output argument
res - a logical: true if makefile was generated.
message - a string: empty if makefile was generated or an error message.
dlgeneratemake generates a makefile adapted to your system environment for building shared libraries.
Thanks to CMake to help Nelson in this task.
See module skeleton for example
See also
initial version
Last updated