Converting a descriptor state-space system into regular state-space form.
[A_OUT, B_OUT, C_OUT, D_OUT, E_OUT, NSYS, INFO] = slicot_sb10jd(A_IN, B_IN, C_IN, D_IN, E_IN)
Input argument
A_IN - the leading N-by-N part of this array must contain the state matrix A of the descriptor system.
B_IN - the leading N-by-M part of this array must contain the input matrix B of the descriptor system.
C_IN - the leading NP-by-N part of this array must contain the output matrix C of the descriptor system.
D_IN - the leading NP-by-M part of this array must contain the matrix D of the descriptor system.
E_IN - the leading N-by-N part of this array must contain the matrix E of the descriptor system.
Output argument
A_OUT - the leading NSYS-by-NSYS part of this array contains the state matrix Ad of the converted system.
B_OUT - the leading NSYS-by-M part of this array contains the input matrix Bd of the converted system.
C_OUT - the leading NP-by-NSYS part of this array contains the output matrix Cd of the converted system.
D_OUT - the leading NP-by-M part of this array contains the matrix Dd of the converted system.
E_OUT - this array contains no useful information.
NSYS - The order of the converted state-space system.
INFO - = 0: successful exit; = 1: the iteration for computing singular value decomposition did not converge.
To convert the descriptor state-space system into regular state-space form.
Used function(s)
initial version
SLICOT Documentation
Last updated