
Histogram plot.


  • hist(x)

  • hist(x, nbins)

  • hist(ax, ...)

  • counts = hist(...)

  • [counts, centers] = hist(...)

Input argument

  • x - vector or matrix

  • nbins - vector.

  • ax - Axes object.

Output argument

  • counts - Counts of the number of elements in each bin: row vector.

  • centers - Bin centers: vector.


A histogram is a graphical representation that illustrates the distribution of data values.

When you use the hist function, it organizes the elements in the vector Y into 10 equally spaced containers and provides the count of elements in each container as a row vector.

hist(Y, x) with a vector x, the function will return the distribution of values in Y among bins determined by the length of x, with centers specified by the values in x.

For instance, if x is a 5-element vector, hist will categorize the elements of Y into five bins, each centered on the x-axis at the values specified in x.

When you use hist(...) without specifying any output arguments, it generates a histogram plot. The bins are distributed along the x-axis between the minimum and maximum values found in the input vector Y.


f = figure();
for i = 1:4
  subplot(2, 2, i)
  hist(randn(1000, 1), 50)

See also

bar, patch.




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