Elementary functions
Elementary functions
elementary functions
abs - Absolute value
allfinite - Check if all array elements are finite.
angle - Phase angle
base2dec - Convert number in a base to decimal.
bernsteinMatrix - Bernstein matrix
bin2dec - Convert number in base 2 to decimal.
bin2num - Convert two's complement binary string to number.
blkdiag - Block diagonal matrix
cast - Converts variable to a different data type
ceil - Round up
circshift - Circular shift
complex - Creates an complex number.
conj - Complex conjugate
deal - Distribute inputs to outputs.
dec2base - Convert decimal number to another base.
dec2bin - Convert decimal number to base 2.
dec2hex - Convert decimal number to base 16.
exp - Exponential
factorial - Factorial function
filter - 1-D digital filter
find - Find Non-zero Elements
fix - Round towards zero
flip - Flip order of elements
flipdim - Flip array along specified dimension
fliplr - Flip order of elements left to right
flipud - Flip order of elements up to dow
floor - Round down
hadamard - Hadamard matrix
hankel - Hankel matrix
hex2dec - Convert number in base 16 to decimal.
hilb - Hilbert matrix
hypot - Square root of sum of squares
imag - Imaginary part of an complex number.
ind2sub - Linear index to matrix subscript values
invhilb - Inverse of Hilbert matrix
ipermute - Inverse permute array dimensions.
isapprox - Return true if arguments are approximately equal, within the precision.
iscolumn - Determine whether input is column vector.
istriu - Checks if matrix is diagonal.
isequal - Return true if all arguments x1, x2, ... , xn are equal (same dimensions, same values).
isequaln - Return true if all arguments x1, x2, ... , xn are equal (same dimensions, same values or NaNs).
isequalto - Return true if all arguments x1, x2, ... , xn are equal (same type, same dimensions, same values or NaNs).
isfinite - Check for finite entries.
isinf - Check for Infinity entries.
ismatrix - determines whether input is matrix or not
isnan - Check for Not a Number entries.
isrow - Determine whether input is row vector.
isscalar - Check if the input is a scalar
istril - Checks if matrix is lower triangular.
istriu - Checks if matrix is upper triangular.
isvector - Checks input is vector.
length - Length of an object.
linspace - linearly spaced vector constructor.
log - Natural logarithm.
log10 - Common logarithm (base 10).
log1p - log(1 + x) accurately for small values of x.
log2 - dissect floating-point numbers into base 2 exponent and mantissa.
logspace - logarithmically spaced vector constructor.
magic - Magic square
meshgrid - Cartesian rectangular grid in 2-D or 3-D.
minus - Subtraction, - operator
mod - Modulus after division.
ndgrid - Rectangular grid in N-D space
ndims - Number of dimensions of an array.
nextpow2 - Exponent of next higher power of 2
norm - Matrix and vector norms
normest - 2-norm estimate
nthroot - The real 𝑛th root of real number.
num2bin - Convert number to binary representation.
numel - Number of elements.
permute - Permute array dimensions.
pinv - Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse
pow2 - Base 2 exponentiation and scaling of floating-point numbers.
real - Real part of an complex number.
rem - Remainder after division.
repmat - Replicate and tile an array.
reshape - Reshapes a vector or a matrix to a different size matrix.
rosser - Classic symmetric eigenvalue test problem.
rot90 - Rotate array 90 degrees.
round - Round to nearest integer
shiftdim - Shift array dimensions
sign - Find the sign function of a number.
size - Size of an object.
sqrt - Square root.
squeeze - Remove dimensions of length 1.
sub2ind - Matrix subscript values to linear index
substruct - Create structure argument for subsasgn or subsref
swapbytes - Swap byte ordering.
toeplitz - Toeplitz matrix
tril - Lower triangular part of matrix
triu - Upper triangular part of matrix
vander - Vandermonde matrix
wilkinson - Wilkinson's eigenvalue test matrix
Last updated
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