
Create cartesian axes.


  • ax = axes()

  • ax = axes(parent)

  • ax = axes(propertyName, propertyValue)

  • ax = axes(parent, propertyName, propertyValue)

  • axes(cax)

Input argument

  • parent - a scalar graphics object value: parent container, specified as a figure.

  • cax - axes to make current.

  • propertyName - a scalar string or row vector character.

  • propertyValue - a value.

Output argument

  • ax - a graphics object: axes type.


axes creates axes in the current figure and set it as the current axes.

axes(cax) set current axes.

Clicking on an axis automatically sets it as the current axes object.


ALim Alpha limits: two-element vector of the form [amin, amax].

ALimMode Selection mode for ALim: 'manual' or 'auto' (default).

AmbientLightColor Background light color: RGB triplet or string color.

Box Box: 'on' or 'off'.

CLim Color limits: two-element vector of the form [cmin, cmax] or [0 1] (default).

CLimMode Selection mode for CLim: 'manual' or 'auto' (default).

CameraPosition Camera location: vector [x, y, z].

CameraPositionMode Selection mode for CameraPosition: 'manual' or 'auto' (default).

CameraTarget Camera target point: vector [x, y, z].

CameraTargetMode Selection mode for CameraTarget: 'manual' or 'auto' (default).

CameraUpVector Vector defining upwards direction: vector [x, y, z].

CameraUpVectorMode Selection mode for CameraUpVector: 'manual' or 'auto' (default).

CameraViewAngle Field of view: 0 (default) | scalar angle in range [0,180]

CameraViewAngleMode Selection mode for CameraViewAngle: 'manual' or 'auto' (default).

Children Array of graphics objects: A vector containing graphics objects to children of the current axis.

Clipping Clipping of objects to axes limits: 'on' (default) or 'off'.

Color Background color for the axes: RGB triplet, string color or hexadecimal color code.

ColorOrder Color order: three-column matrix of RGB triplets.

ColorOrderIndexColor order index: positive integer value, specifies the next color used.

DataAspectRatio Relative length of data units: vector [x, y, z].

DataAspectRatioMode Data aspect ratio mode: 'manual' or 'auto' (default).

FontAngle Character slant: 'italic' or 'normal' (default).

FontName Font name

FontSize Font size: scalar numeric value

FontUnits Font size units: 'inches', 'centimeters', 'normalized', 'pixels' or 'points' (default).

FontWeight Character thickness: 'bold' or 'normal' (default).

GridAlpha Grid-line transparency (0.15 (default) or value in the range [0, 1]).

GridColor Color of grid lines ([0.15, 0.15, 0.15] (default) or RGB triplet).

GridLineStyle Line style for grid lines: '--' , ':', '-.', 'none' or '-' (default).

HandleVisibility Visibility of object handle: 'on' (default) or 'off'.

HitTest Response to captured mouse clicks: 'on' (default) or 'off'.

BeingDeleted Flag indicating that the object is being deleted.

Interruptible Callback interruption:

Layer Placement of grid lines and tick marks: 'top' or 'bottom' (default).

LineStyleOrder Line style order: character vector, cell array of character vectors, string array or '-' solid line (default).

LineStyleOrderIndexColor order index: positive integer value, property specifies the next line style used.

LineWidth Line width: positive numeric value.

MinorGridLineStyle Line style for minor grid lines: '-', '--', '-.', 'none' or ':' (default).

NextPlot Properties to reset: 'add', 'replacechildren', 'replaceall' or 'replace' (default).

OuterPosition Size and location, including labels and margin: four-element vector.

Parent Parent container: Figure graphics object.

PlotBoxAspectRatio Relative length of each axis: vector [x, y, z].

PlotBoxAspectRatioMode Selection mode for PlotBoxAspectRatio: 'manual' or 'auto' (default).

Position Size and location, excluding margin for labels: four-element vector

PositionMode: 'manual' or 'auto' (default).

Projection Type of projection onto 2-D screen: 'perspective' or 'orthographic' (default).

Selected Selection state: 'on' or 'off' (default).

SelectionHighlight Display of selection graphics objects: 'on' (default) or 'off'.

Tag Object identifier: character vector, string scalar or '' (default).

TickDir Tick mark direction: 'out', 'both', 'none' or 'in' (default).

TickDirMode Selection mode for TickDir: 'manual' or 'auto' (default).

TickLength Tick mark length: two-element vector.

TightInset Margins for text labels: four-element vector [left bottom right top].

Title Text object for title: text object

Type Type of graphics object: 'axes'.

Units Position units: 'inches', 'centimeters', 'points', 'pixels', 'characters' or 'normalized' (default).

UserData User data: array or []

View Azimuth and elevation of view (default: [0 90])

Visible State of visibility: 'on' (default) or 'off'.

XAxisLocation x-axis location: 'top', 'origin' or 'bottom' (default).

XColorColor of axis line, tick values, and labels: RGB triplet.

XDir x-axis direction: 'reverse' or 'normal' (default).

XGrid Grid lines: 'on' or 'off' (default).

XLabel Text object for axis label: text object

XLim Minimum and maximum axis limits: two element vector [min max].

XLimMode Selection mode for axis limits: 'manual' or 'auto' (default).

XMinorGrid Minor grid lines: 'on' or 'off' (default).

XScale Scale of values along axis: 'log' or 'linear' (default).

XTick Tick values: vector of increasing values or [] (default).

XTickLabel Tick labels: cell array of character vectors or '' (default).

XTickLabelMode Selection mode for tick labels: 'manual' or 'auto' (default).

XTickMode Selection mode for tick values: 'manual' or 'auto' (default).

YAxisLocation y-axis location: 'top', 'origin' or 'bottom' (default).

YColorColor of axis line, tick values, and labels: RGB triplet.

YDir y-axis direction: 'reverse' or 'normal' (default).

YGrid Grid lines: 'on' or 'off' (default).

YLabel Text object for axis label : text object

YLim Minimum and maximum axis limits: two element vector [min max].

YLimMode Selection mode for axis limits: 'manual' or 'auto' (default).

YMinorGrid Minor grid lines: 'on' or 'off' (default).

YScale Scale of values along axis: 'log' or 'linear' (default).

YTick Tick values: vector of increasing values or [] (default).

YTickLabel Tick labels: cell array of character vectors or '' (default).

YTickLabelMode Selection mode for tick labels: 'manual' or 'auto' (default).

YTickModeSelection mode for tick values: 'manual' or 'auto' (default).

ZColorColor of axis line, tick values, and labels: RGB triplet.

ZDir z-axis direction: 'reverse' or 'normal' (default).

ZGrid Grid lines: 'on' or 'off' (default).

ZLabel Text object for axis label : text object

ZLim Minimum and maximum axis limits: two element vector [min max].

ZLimMode Selection mode for axis limits: 'manual' or 'auto' (default).

ZMinorGrid Minor grid lines: 'on' or 'off' (default).

ZScale Scale of values along axis: 'log' or 'linear' (default).

ZTick Tick values: vector of increasing values or [] (default).

ZTickLabel Tick labels: cell array of character vectors or '' (default).

ZTickLabelMode Selection mode for tick labels: 'manual' or 'auto' (default).

ZTickModeSelection mode for tick values: 'manual' or 'auto' (default).

CreateFcnCallback (function handle, string or cell) called when object is created. Set this property on an existing component has no effect.

DeleteFcnCallback (function handle, string or cell) called when object is deleted.

Some properties are available only for compatibility and have currently no effect on the axes.


f = figure();
ax1 = axes('Position', [0.1 0.1 0.7 0.7]);
ax2 = axes('Position', [0.65 0.65 0.28 0.28]);
x = linspace(0,10);
y1 = sin(x);
y2 = cos(x);
plot(ax1, x, y1);
plot(ax2, x, y2);

See also

gcf, close.




initial version


Clicking on an axis automatically sets it as the current axes object.


GridAlpha, GridColor propertiew for Axes.


CreateFcn, DeleteFcn callback added.


BeingDeleted property added.



Last updated

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