Continuous-time algebraic Riccati equation solution.
[X, L, G] = care(A, B, Q)
[X, L, G] = care(A, B, Q, R, S, E)
Input argument
A - Matrix representing the state with dimensions n x n, where n corresponds to the number of states.
B - Matrix representing control with dimensions n x p, where p is the number of inputs.
Q - Matrix describing the cost associated with the state, having dimensions n x n, where n is the number of states.
R - Matrix representing the cost associated with control, with dimensions p x p, where p is the number of inputs.
S - Matrix that is optionally real-valued with dimensions n x p.
E - Matrix with dimensions n x n that serves as a descriptor matrix.
Output argument
X - stabilized solution for the continuous-time Riccati equation of dimension n x n.
L - Closed-loop pole vector.
G - Gain matrix.
The function care(A, B, Q) calculates the exclusive solution, denoted as X, for the continuous-time algebraic Riccati equation with matrices A, B, and Q, and also provides additional matrices L and G.
See also
initial version
SLICOT Documentation
Last updated
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