Git repository tool for Nelson
repo('clone', url, branch, destination)
repo('clone', url, destination)
repo('clone', url, branch, destination, username, password)
repo('clone', url, destination, username, password)
repo('export', url, branch_tag_sha1, destination)
repo('export', url, destination)
repo('export', url, branch_tag_sha1, destination, username, password)
repo('export', url, destination, username, password)
repo('checkout', destination, branch_tag_sha1)
ce = repo('branch', destination)
ce = repo('tag', destination)
st = repo('log', destination)
repo('fetch', destination)
repo('fetch', destination, username, password)
repo('remove_branch', destination, branch)
current_branch = repo('current_branch', destination)
Input argument
url - a string: URL to a git repository.
branch - a string: branch name.
destination - a string: local pathname.
branch_tag_sha1 - a string: a branch name, tag or sha1.
username - a string: username used if an authentification is required.
password - a string: password used if an authentification is required.
Output argument
ce - a cell: list of tags or branchs.
st - a structure: contains log information.
current_branch - a string: name of current branch.
repo() allows to clone, checkout, fetch a git repository.
checkout command will be forced and remove untracked filed.
git https protocol works on all platforms. git ssh protocol works currently on macos and linux platforms.
report('export', ...) clone and remove .git directory.
If you have this error: callback returned unsupported credentials type , checks your ~/.gitconfig file.
You don't have some ssh or https redirection.
Remove entries:
[url ""]
insteadOf =
Used function(s)
libgit2 (
See also
initial version
Last updated
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