
Creates a question dialog box.


  • buttonname = questdlg(question)

  • buttonname = questdlg(question, title)

  • buttonname = questdlg(question, title, default)

  • buttonname = questdlg(question, title, text1, default)

  • buttonname = questdlg(question, title, text1, text2, default)

  • buttonname = questdlg(question, title, text1, text2, text3, default)

Input argument

  • question - a string or a cell of string: the question.

  • title - a string: the title of the dialog box.

  • text1 - a string: text of button 1.

  • text2 - a string: text of button 2.

  • text3 - a string: text of button 3.

  • default - a string: text of selected button by default.

Output argument

  • buttonname - a string: text of the clicked button or ''.


questdlg displays a string using a question dialog box and return the caption of the activated button.

The dialog has three default buttons: 'Yes', 'No', 'Cancel' with 'Yes' as default.


res = questdlg('What is the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything ?', 'A question for geeks', '41', '42', '43', '42')
res = questdlg ('Easy ?', 'Jeff', 'No', 'Okay', 'Okay')
res = questdlg('How are you ?', 'Health', 'Fine', 'Good', 'sick', 'Fine')
res = questdlg({'Is', 'this', 'a', 'multi line', 'test ?'}, 'Test :)')

See also

warndlg, errordlg, helpdlg, msgbox.




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