Time functions
Time functions
time functions
addtodate - Modify date number by field.
calendar - Calendar.
clock - Return the current local date and time as a date vector.
cputime - Return the CPU time used by your Nelon session.
date - Return the Current date as character vector.
datenum - Return the date/time input as a serial day number.
datestr - Convert date and time to string format.
datevec - Convert a serial date number into a date vector.
eomday - Returns last day of month.
etime - Time elapsed between date vectors.
hour - Hours part of the input date and time.
leapyear - Determine leap year.
minute - Minutes part of the input date and time.
now - Returns current date under the form of a Unix hour.
second - Seconds part of the input date and time.
sleep - Suspend code execution.
tic - Starts a stopwatch timer.
time - Return the current time as the number of seconds or nanoseconds since the epoch.
timeit - Measure time required to run function.
toc - Read the stopwatch timer.
weekday - Return the day of week.
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